Abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck” surgery is one of our most popular procedures to improve the appearance of the abdomen. If you’re considering surgery, it’s important to know what to expect. Although your board-certified plastic surgeon can help you understand your options, here are some of the most important things you should know about tummy tuck surgery and what to expect.
Keep in mind that it’ll be some time before you feel comfortable wearing your favorite swimsuit after surgery. One of the biggest misconceptions about this type of surgery is that everything will be quickly back to normal after your procedure. It takes time for your body to heal properly, swelling to completely go away, and it can take 6-12 months for visible scarring to fade. Make sure to give yourself at least six months for a complete recovery before you plan to show off your new figure if preparing for a major event such as a wedding.
Your doctor will give you a list of post-op instructions to follow. This includes steps for recovery, what to avoid, as well as what to wear during your recovery. Don’t try to return back to work too quickly, as this can cause pain and discomfort – and even compromise your incisions. Also, make sure you don’t overdo it with movement or exercise for the first few weeks until your incisions have healed up completely. It’s best to wait until your plastic surgeon indicates you’re ready to begin lightly exercising. Typically this is after six weeks.
You’ll experience some pain and discomfort after your tummy tuck surgery. This is completely normal and to be expected. Your incisions will cause some tenderness and tightness of the skin in the area, so it’s important to rest and not put stress or pressure on the area. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe medications to help with pain and swelling, so make sure to take these according to instructions.
Many patients are eager to go back home after the procedure is over and resume their normal lives. However, it’s vitally important that you have realistic expectations of what your body can handle. For example, don’t go back to work too early or plan to get right back into your exercise regimen. Your plastic surgeon will tell you everything you need to do for your recovery process to succeed, so make sure that you follow this advice diligently.
If you’re ready to explore your tummy tuck options, then your next step is meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon. To meet with our team, we invite you to contact Dermatology + Plastics Surgery, at our Melbourne office by calling 321.241.1160 or filling out our online form.
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Dermatologist Dr. Anita Saluja and plastic surgeon Dr. Rebecca Novo have created an online shop for your convenience. They have curated scientific skin care products that they believe will deliver results: For Your Best Self. And you can always contact our office with any questions.